Association des Didacticiens de Français de la République Démocratique du Congo

Des Koinobori pour la fête des enfants au Japon

Depuis le 11 mars 2012, l'Association Ganbalo et Koinobori Art installe des Koinobori porteurs de messages d'espoir venus du Japon et du monde entier dans l'aéroport de Fukushima. Les Koinobori sont des " "carpes montantes" que l'on accroche comme un drapeau dans le vent pour la fête des enfants. C'est une tradition qui date du début de la période Edo."

Très présente dans le folklore japonais, la carpe, Koinobori, symbolise la vitalité, la réjouissance et le bonheur. Cette année, l'Association Ganbalo et Koinobori Art prévoit d'accrocher des Koinobori dans toute la ville de Fukushima pour la fête des enfants qui se déroule le 5 mai.

Si vous souhaitez participer à ce projet, seul, avec votre classe ou encore avec votre école, vous trouverez les indications pour la fabrication d'un Koinobori sur le site de l'Association Ganbalo et Koinobori Art. Vous pourrez ensuite transmettre une photographie de votre création par courriel à l'Association Ganbalo afin qu'elle soit mise en ligne sur leur site ou faire parvenir votre Koinobori à l'Association Ganbalo, 23 rue de Palestro, 75002 Paris qui se chargera de l'envoyer à Fukushima au Japon.


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Ma:'d rather die on the way to and from the never live in the micro-channel group in Ma Ali al., wireless networking development is an hourly basis. The more things have great prospects, the more immediate needs brutal execution. Month without surprise result is terrible, no results for three months to be dead! What is the prospect of six months after. Because your nine to five work 2013 - 2015 is suicide. Today, the weather changed, the Penguins out of Antarctica, and they try to adapt to the hot weather, they make the world adapt to climate, rather than waiting for the victim, it is better to kill Antarctica. People go home to fight, to hit the smashing of the fall of fiercely fell. Brothers good play! Micro-channel IM was not actually ours. The penguins go back to Antarctica! Move up! By the end of November we will count the efforts of everyone, our winter offensive in December to be more violent. Next summer, we want to see fire Antarctica. This is a play that everyone can participate in the game. To install and from the evening chat in the dealings escort, to let the world see Ali people crazy. Let them know that crazy man is how Ali! Let penguins know, and from not easy to believe it! (Text of the paragraph from Ma on Ali internal share) Chairman of the Board Ma Alibaba Alibaba yesterday noon inside the post to emphasize mobile communications products, 'and from' the importance for Ali Baba, Ali forced the end of every 11 employees the former must have an external dealings 100 users, and Chiang Kai-shek in the post for the micro-channel challenge. Ma said and from 'The biggest feature is the tens of thousands of employees unyielding spirit,' should represent 'the old man with the spirit of the letter X to challenge.' Ma also micro-channel eBay for more than a decade ago [microblogging] and in 2003, Sina, Sohu and Netease, as an example of micro letter is not imagined, 'unattainable', the strong push contacts, 'who do not participate, whoever should stay in this company because it is each of us can do, this is not a strategy, it was Ali who fight for survival in the era of wireless power efforts. ' Ma will be the number of employees to and from friends and envelopes linked to the number of friends who are deemed to give up less than 100 envelopes. It is understood that the regulations introduced after Ali, Taobao immediately add friends and from the emergence of the two services, the owner specifically noted in the product name: 'The contacts add friends easily add thousands of 10 yuan seconds 加阿里 shopkeeper pro-test most people Available complete targets ', this service is ten yuan, but the two services Goods has the shelf, or Taobao mandatory. Some commenters said the move Ali lost face, but also see Ma's mobile IM and determined to win. 'Atrocious.' Previously only know that the bank will force staff to pull deposits, or year-end awards finished, and now it seems the Internet industry also began to practice. The following is an internal posting content Ma: I am currently 80% of communication between. I originally nike dunk heels thought and from no features, not unique, but now can not do without it. Because my greatest joy is to help it grow and perfected. . . Good product is out, perfect out, perhaps its most important characteristic is the tens of thousands of employees unyielding spirit, with the spirit to challenge the old man of the X letter. . . Oh 10 years ago, no one would believe Taobao will beat great rival eBay, after ten years we not try? Many people regret not having the opportunity to participate in that war, but this time we everyone can participate. Who do not participate, who should stay in this company. This thing each of us can do, this is not a strategy, it was Ali who fight for survival in the era of wireless power efforts. This time, each of us can help contacts, do not tell me you can not, unless you do not want. Wireless internet today do not look so powerful micro-channel, and that the pattern of almost 2003 Internet, then Sina, Sohu, Netease is not unattainable, wireless Internet game has just begun. . . We and others than just technology, the strength, we are more than that each person's Ali unity, perseverance, speed, patience. Moreover in the technology and strength of our people are not differences in the wireless Internet is no contribution, we should not consider the market! PS: 100+ (Ali each person must have before the end of November and from external user 100 users) is a bad idea I'm out, and it is I insist. Ali, who is less than 100 before the end of November and from users outside Nike Shoes the company, deemed to give a red envelope. Should be given a red envelope was never, of course, there are 100+ not have red, no 100 is certainly not a red envelope. Ma classic inspirational quotations 1. When you succeed, you say all the words are the truth. 2, I will always believe that never give up, we still have a chance. Finally, we still firmly believe that this world as long as there is a dream, as long as the Nike Heels Boots ongoing efforts, as long as continuous learning, no matter how you look, whether it is the case, or as a man's looks are often inversely proportional to his talent. It is very cruel, more brutal tomorrow, the day after tomorrow is good, but Air Jordan 10 certainly most of the dead tomorrow night, so everyone do not give up today. 3. Masayoshi Son told I have the same point of view, a program is a great plus to implement third-Idea; Idea another program, first-class implementation of the additional third, which is better? We both simultaneously selected first-class implementation, third-Idea. 4, I only want to throw firecrackers, but also throwing bombs. They threw firecrackers in order to attract the attention of others, confuse the enemy; throwing bombs is my real purpose. However, I can not tell you when I threw firecrackers, when throwing bombs. The game is to falsehoods, so just happy. If you feel pain in the game, it means you play the wrong. 5. 'In fact, the biggest problem is that sometimes people say he is right,' 6, who privately advised us that we were the wrong people, is a friend indeed. 7, I am most happy life, that I promised to help people do things that he not only completed, but better than they requested, when completed these CIGNA, the kind of excitement is indescribable ...... 8, to maintain their reputation, hard work, with people, keep their promises, so very helpful to your cause. 9. Business cooperation must have three premises: First, both sides must have an interest to cooperate, the two can cooperate must have the will, the third is the two sides must have the intention of shared prosperity. This three are indispensable. 10, the service is the world's most expensive product, so the service is not the best service, the best service is no need for service, 11, never with others than lucky, I never thought I fortunate than others, I might more than their perseverance in the most difficult times, they beat it, more than I can boil a second, two seconds. 12, today to Peking University speech felt very excited. I have been to Peking University students as my idol, has been test but not into, so I think if one day I have to go to Beijing University as a teacher. 13, saw 10 rabbits, you catch in the end only? While some people catch the rabbit, while grasping the rabbit, may finally have a grip. CEO's main task is not to look for opportunities but the chance to say NO. Many opportunities, only grasp one. I can only catch a rabbit, caught more, what will be lost, 14, our company is an assessment every six months, assessment down, although you work very hard, and very good, but you're the last one, very sorry, you We have to leave. 15, the biggest difference with our competitors is that we know what they do, and they do not know what we want. What we want to do, there is no need to let everyone know. 16, the network above on the word, barefoot is always afraid of the wearer. Nike Hyperdunk 17, Chinese e-commerce must have to stand up and walk, and not always hand in hand, always hand in hand to be finished. I mean, Ali Baba found a gold mine, that we definitely do not dig their own, we want others to dig, he dug gold mine gave me Air Jordan 8 Retro a on it. 18, I am confident that our model will make money, Amazon is the longest river in the world, 8848 was the world's highest mountain, Alibaba is the world's richest treasures. A good business by blood transfusion is living near the key is their own blood. 19, why did I survive? The first is because I have no money, and the second is that I do not understand the INTERNET, and the third is I think like a fool. 20. The starting gun sounds, you do not have time to see how your opponent is running. Tomorrow is our only competitor. 21, if the early bird does not eat worms, that will be eaten by other birds. 22, heard rich lobster, never heard of the rich whaling. 23, good things are often hard to describe. 24, in my opinion there are three kinds of people, businessmen: the creation of money; businessman: Dos and Don'ts. Entrepreneur: for social responsibility. Nike Pepper Shoes Entrepreneurs should create an environment for the community. Entrepreneurs must have the spirit of innovation. 25, a company in both cases most likely to make mistakes, there is too much money, and the second is faced with too many opportunities to see a CEO should not be a chance, because the opportunity is everywhere , a CEO should see the disaster and the disaster strangled in the cradle.

hairdressing industry regarded as

Not only in the field Air Jordan 3 Retro of public comment hairdressing, 艾美云 To B \u0026 amp; C end a balanced approach in the field of hair do O2O
field O2O hair products, is already a lot. For example, we introduced before Mimi beans, rest assured that the United States and fashion cats. Compared to focus on the C-terminal Air Jordan 13 Retro user-friendly manner, from Wuhan Chi Tat letter Network Technology Co., Ltd. launched 艾美云 O2O reviews share interactive platform, will have to B \u0026 amp; C terminal balanced way to do O2O hairdressing sector. Yimei Yun O2O Reviews Share interactive platform consists of two parts of the product, 2B hair through (desktop, iOS, Android version) and 2C Xiu Xiu hair (iOS \u0026 amp; Android). Specifically, 2B end salon through the main help solve volume stores, barber mistrust solve customer problems. Stores can be added through the backstage own store for different hair and skin products, services and the corresponding price, after the user enters the store, you can take a photo online, let hair through with their own face, scalp conditions and skin color, etc., recommend suitable hairstyle and the corresponding user's hair products selected by the customers themselves. Diagnosis, and hair products recommended solely by the customer through the process to finish hair produced in this way to solve the customer communicate with barber poor, as well as distrust of the barber, so as to enhance the store's volume. In addition, the hair through further comprising members of management, cash register management. Meanwhile, in addition to hair through iPad version, as well as mobile features, mobile version for hairdressers, its main purpose is to facilitate communication between hairdressers and customers. According to the person in charge through salons, hairdressers through the highlights are two: 1 hairdressing salon industry through the business processes ported to the mobile Internet, customers can choose their favorite pass through hair salons and hair care products, combined with the C-terminal product located in the hairdressing industry, 'the bulk of comments' made use of Xiu Xiu. 2. Smart hair style. Customer photo shoot, hair pass will use image processing technology, the customer carried out a simulated face tracking, facial feature to identify the user to diagnose the user which type face, then do personalized recommendations. 3. Variety hair. He entered the store after the store hair products, users can preview these hair products directly to the final coloring effect, so WYSIWYG, convenient for customers while reducing chromatic aberration occurs. In addition, customers in the first pass through the process of hair, its data (scalp, face, skin color, first do what hairstyle, choose hair products, etc.) will have a data backup and then stores by the end of the show 2C hair products to give the user to do some personal knowledge as well as maintenance activities recommended in order to maintain Air Jordan 3 Retro customer relationships. 2C end of Xiu Xiu hair is positioned to make the customer's image consultant. Customers can be sent via the mobile phone side of Xiu Xiu, view real-time promotions, search hairstyle and share their latest hairstyles and reviews of other customers and hairstylist works and so on. Of course, the most important thing is the online reservation hairstylist feature because 2B terminal hair on (flat side and moving side) and 2C end of Xiu Xiu hair is interconnected, so when the customer reservation on the success of Xiu Xiu hair, flat and mobile terminal hair through will have a corresponding push notifications, convenience stores and hairdressers timely order processing and arrange a time. US soybean with the United States, assured the United States and other different products, Xiu Xiu hair with discounts and promotions are not based, all hairdresser appointments prices are set by the stores pass through the hair. And 艾美云 this, B and C at the same time meet the needs of the end user a way that it differs from similar competing products with the greatest. Profit patterns, Yimei Yun mainly want to B end value-added Nike King services, such as geographic location advertising, senior member function, the greater cloud data storage space to charge; C end is to provide consumers with a common discount card, Similarly fat stores into profits. According to the person in Air Jordan 8 Retro charge: 'By the end of September this year, flat hair 艾美云 charges through the user has nearly 6,900 stores, C terminal hair Xiu Xiu is also within the family were sent to all outlets promotion test, try to have accumulated more than one month million users. next pass and Xiu Nike Air Max Xiu hair salons are Air Jordan 13 Retro free and Air Jordan 1 open, B-end products have also been launched in cooperation with the Shanghai four hair stylist training school, focusing on the promotion of B-end products, while leveraging product B to obtain the C-terminal end users . 'hairdressing industry regarded as typical traditional service industry, with Taoka mode snags, consumers are increasingly concerned about the quality of services, barber shop also began to pay more attention to the service itself. With the development of mobile Internet users have become accustomed to the basic necessities arranged by smart phones, similar Yi Meiyun this B \u0026 amp; C terminal balanced mode, changing consumer spending habits, while helping barbershop improve service quality, reduce communication costs between customers and the stores could be a good opportunity. Unless noted, articles are original or compiled site, please indicate: articles from 36 Krypton

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Earnings Implied Volatility

Earnings Implied Volatility Play On Nike

Nike Nike Air Max 2015 Mens (NYSE:NKE) reports earnings on December 22 after the close. The Air Max 90 Implied Volatility of the options is still very low. The stock had Nike Air Max 90 Couple fairly large moves in the last few cycles and I expect the IV to rise as we are getting closer to earnings. Below is the Volatility chart of NKE for the last 7 months:

I circled the areas of the two previous earnings. As we can see, the IV spiked about 10% 12% before the previous two earnings releases. Currently the IV is still well below the previous pre earnings levels.

I don want to play NKE directionally; I just want to take advantage of the rising IV before earnings. I described the general concept here. It involves buying a strangle a few days before earnings and selling it just before earnings are announced (or as soon as the Jordan 6 trade produces a sufficient profit). In case of NKE, I don expect an explosion in IV before earnings, but 10 12% increase should be sufficient. The time decay (negative theta) of the options is still not a big factor since we have more than five weeks before January expiration.

NKE is currently trading at $96.50. The trade I looking at is:

Buy January Nike Air Max 2014 Kids 2012 92.5 puts Buy January 2012 100.0 calls As of this writing, the trade can be done for about $4.10. You might see different prices when this article is published. Please adjust the strikes if the stock price is significantly different.

The negative theta of the trade is currently about 2%. That means that, all other factors equal, the trade will be losing 2% per day. So worst case scenario, the trade might lose around 10% 12% before the next Tuesday. However, the rising IV should offset the negative theta. If the stock moves, it should help to increase the gains. My plan is to take the profits and roll to new strikes if the stock makes a decent Jordan 3 move. And don forget to sell before earnings.

The bottom line: This trade is designed to take advantage of the rising implied volatility of the options before earnings. It is not a directional bet, it is a volatility play.

Dwyane Wade contemplates move

Dwyane Wade contemplates move to Li

Dwyane Wade Nike Air Max 2015 Mens might be taking the summer off to heal from the wear and tear that his body endured during this past schedule condensed NBA season, but there appears to be a little bit of business that he will have to attend to in the near future. Because of Wade's natural position and ties to the Chicago era, Michael Jordan Nike Air Max 2011 himself saw it fit to anoint Wade as the man who would carry the Air Jordan legacy into the future. But now that is all in jeopardy with the Jordan Fly Wade 3 reportedly being cancelled and Wade looking at other optoins.

According to a list released by Sole Collector on the Top 5 Sneaker Free Agents on Thursday, Wade was listed at 3. Sole Collector's Nick DePaula cited reasons for his inclusion on the list range from the disappointing sales of his own Jordan Fly Wade signature shoes relative to his $10 million per season Nike Air Max Humara Mens deal, the lack of direction as to his role where he has to do double duty endorsing the flagship Air Jordan and his own line in the company and his penchant for being "sensitive to work with at Nike Air Max 2014 Kids times and indecisive[ness] when it comes to product feedback."

The speculation out there is that Wade is considering making a move to a Chinese shoe company like Li Ning, with whom he has already made contact with. For the past few summers, Wade has already made strides in extending his own brand in the basketball rich country as part of Jordan Brand, and if the reports are true, he might be now looking to cash that equity he has built up with the fans and hope they will Nike Air Max 2013 follow him to whatever sneaker company he chooses. Wade could also decide to stay with Jordan Brand sans the Fly Wade line or maybe even join Nike alongside Miami Heat teammates LeBron James or Chris Bosh, but according to DePaula, that does not seem likley.

Dior to offer virtual access to its shows this JuneThe Fashion industry has often been slow to adapt to the changes that technology is bringing to the industry as a whole Nike Air Max 90 and until recent tech companies merging with fashion brands were almost.

Obama frequently received

Obama frequently received complaints listening to Merkel promise not monitor their phone

International Online Zhuangao: Comprehensive German 'Der Spiegel' and 'Bild' reported on October 23, a few days ago there was news that German Chancellor Angela Merkel's phone may have been a monitor oakley occhiali oakley m frame strike da sole US intelligence. It is reported that this is not Obama's recent embarrassing received the first 'complaint', France, Italy, Mexico and other countries occhiali oakley have recently listening behavior of the United States to express their dissatisfaction. Merkel believes, has decades of partnership between the virtues of the United States against another State Prime Minister of communications oakley m frame sweep eavesdropping approach is totally not allowed. Saibott said: 'This is a serious breach of trust, such acts should be stopped immediately.' 'As a close ally of the United States, the German government wants to form a cooperative agreement between the institutions.'

reported that German politicians also expressed dissatisfaction with the incident. In August, German Chancellery director Bo (microblogging) Farah (Pofalla) has announced that the United States monitor the event has come to an end. He said: 'US intelligence agencies have to comply with German law on German land, they have no right to monitor German citizens.' Although the listener event and no definitive evidence, the media can not information technology security sector from Germany get any reply, but the German trust the US oakley holbrook government has been greatly affected. But Obama did not mention whether past US intelligence agencies had tapped the phones Merkel US National Security Council spokesman, he said:. 'President Obama has to Chancellor Merkel that the United States does not and will not monitor communications Merkel's' However, according to German media reports, after the conversation with Merkel, Obama very angrily to the intelligence agencies under orders to immediately stop the listener White House spokesman occhiali da sole oakley Carney said, face a series of common security challenges, cherish the United States and Germany close cooperation, currently the United States are re-examining intelligence oakley prezzi gathering methods to ensure a proper balance beauty 'Monitoring door' between national security and the privacy of citizens angered France, Italy, Mexico and other countries

Not long ago, the US alleged eavesdropping mission in Brazil, including the Brazilian president's office monitor communications, Ms. Luo Sefu President of Brazil canceled a planned visit to Mexico this month, the current and former president of the e-mail is represented monitored 'unacceptable' In addition, when the Italian Prime Minister Caleta 23 in oakley radar path a meeting in Europe visiting US Secretary of State Warren, explains the United States to monitor the problem of Italian citizens claim to him face to face.


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According to an ex-teammate

According to an ex-teammate of Armstrong's and his wife, Armstrong told doctors in that room that he had used performance-enhancing drugs.In a oakley sunglasses civil lawsuit and now in front of the grand jury, McIlvain testified that she never heard Armstrong's admission.However, McIlvain was taped in a 2004 phone call, telling American cyclist Greg LeMond that she heard Armstrong's admission and she was willing to testify to that. LeMond secretly recorded the phone oakley outlet online call with McIlvain.Armstrong has vehemently denied using performance-enhancing drugs.The grand jury is probing allegations by another decorated American cyclist, and ex-Armstrong teammate, Floyd Landis, that Armstrong and other riders on the US Postal cycling team used performance-enhancing drugs.Oakley's new 'Clear Black Iridium' photochromic lens tint for their popular Radar oakley womens sunglasses frame style is an ideal option for rides with variable lighting conditions. This includes rides that start or end in darkness, 24-hour endurance events, and even trail rides which involve constantly moving in and out of heavy tree cover.Every aspect of the specs is put through the wringer oakley sunglasses cheap to make sure they're up to scratch, from optics to frame strength. While the lens clarity testing procedure is a bit techie, the lens strength test, which involves firing a ball bearing at over 100mph into a mannequin's face, is an eye opener. Literally, in the case of the oakley o frame competitor lens tested in the video. Oakley have long been associated with making the best sports eyewear on the market. Other brands are thrilled to be compared with them and it sets the bar others jump. The Fast Jacket is Oakley’s latest ‘open frame’ design, and differs from their oakley outlet existing Half and Flak Jacket models in that it has a new Switchlock lens changing mechanism.These Oakley Commit shades were extremely comfortable right from the off, with the earsocks and nosepads making for soft, ?exible contact points that grip surely but lightly.It’s possible to interchange the lenses (you’re oakley glasses able to customise your glasses at the point of purchase), but we found the G20 to be an excellent quality lens that gave just the right balance between light and shade. Oakley is famous for its glasses, though its wide range of bags also deserves some attention.The Toolbox is oakley uk Oakley’s ?rst go at a full-size, 31-litre capacity hydration pack, and having spent several days using it to cart two litres of water and a bunch of trail tools around the local hills, we can say that it’s a well-sorted bag.It all comes down to the fact that asian oakley sunglasses the larger Jawbone provides more coverage and a greater lower field of view, plus the option of vented lenses. Thus we have to cheap oakley sunglasses consider it a better sport sunglass. Over the shoulder peripheral vision is about the same for both styles, yet inferior when compared to the Radar model’s lack of lower frame on its lens.Riders with smaller faces, those looking for less obtrusive design and even road riders are all good candidates for Split Jacket, but we wouldn’t recommend them for mountain bike riders. We’d also lean towards the venerable Jawbone or Radar for the rider who’s looking oakley store for the ultimate sport performance.The key feature the Split Jacket shares with the Jawbone is the Switchlock hinged frame. The design puts less tension on the lens by using a small foam insert to secure the lens instead of the O Matter frame – which Oakley says translates to oakley vault better lens optics – but the real benefit is the ease it offers. There is no pushing, pulling or griping the lens with your fingers to make changes. Instead you flick open the nosepiece lock and the lens simply unhinges allowing you to carefully replace it.Materials engineers will oakley sale undoubtedly scoff and say Oakley have totally ignored the proper way to use carbon fibre as a structural material for their Elite line flagship, but the way the diamond-tipped cutting bits slice across the fibres is what gives the C SIX its distinctive look. Paper-thin titanium hinge assemblies keep oakley sunglasses outlet online store up the high-tech look and feel, too, and also lend the temples a degree of flexibility. Naturally, the lenses use Oakley's panoply of optical technology, including XYZ lens geometry, Iridium coatings and hydrophobic/oleophobic surface treatments. If this is all just too over the top (and too expensive!), there's the oakleys slightly less outrageous C SIX Aluminum version at $1,500 (approx £940).A more affordable Elite line option – though still $595 (approx £370) a pair – is the Pit Boss, a slightly more conventional design using Oakley's O Matter moulded frame.

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There are certainly competing products, like solar collectors, but residential wind systems trump them for several reasons.

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In summary, residential wind turbine systems are the best way for a homeowner to get sustainable energy onboard at their houses these days.

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Just yesterday we brought you the initial teaser of Saint Alfred's upcoming collab with New Balance on the 1500. Since then, the retailer has gone on to let loose an new balance m990 array of images, highlighting the new joint release.As we now get a closer peek at the pair, we see that new balance the two have gone with a red suede spread on the low-top silhouette. Matching mesh and leather have been applied new balance outlet to the sneaker at the toe and heel, while a gum sole provides a complementary touch underneath. The white midsole new balance breaks things up accordingly, as tonal laces accompany to complete the red rendition from Saint Alfred and New Balance.Again, on new balance vibram December 7 you'll have your chance at purchasing the collaboration from Saint Alfred.It's tough to track down who's done new balance navy the best New Balance collaborations of all time. As of late, Concepts has taken the crown with its "C-Note" and new balance outlet "Mint" 998s and "Northern Lights" 574 pack.If you can't track down those sneakers, there might be another collaboration on the new balance 998 way. Concepts just posted on Instagram a picture from New Balance's Brighton, Mass. headquarters. Considering that Concepts is located nearby new balance minimus in Cambridge, Mass., there's no telling why Concepts was in talks with the footwear brand.But there was a 574 drawn new balance shoes for women on a dry-erase board in the photo, and the caption read, "Meetings with @newbalance #cncpts #newbalance."Last month, we showed new balance promo code you a preview of the New Balance 1300 in the "Teal/White" colorway. As scheduled for a spring launch, these Made new balance store in new balance running shoes USA runners are arriving just in time at select retailers like the UK's End Clothing. These 1300s are equipped with a teal mesh and nubuck upper with contrasting hits of white and grey. An Encap midsole with a subtle speckle new balance 580 print completes this signature New Balance runner.While End Clothing only has a U.S. size 11 and 11.5 in stock, expect new balance shoes for women these 1300s to begin trickling into additional New Balance stockists right now. Considering how fast they're already selling on End new balance outlet Clothing, make sure to have your game plan ready.By now, Kanye West signing a sneaker deal to adidas is new balance store old news, and people are already awaiting the first collection. But let's switch gears for a minute. What if Kanye new balance 574 hadn't left Nike for adidas, but had signed with New Balance instead?in 2009, Kanye loved the United Arrows x New new balance sneakers Balance 997.5, and while that sneaker is almost impossible to track down, the OG New Balance 997 recently released and new balance shoes it's the perfect opportunity to see what a Kanye x New Balance collection would look like.We've mocked up more than new balance a handful of Yeezy-inspired color schemes on the 997. It's always fun to think of what could have been. And new balance shoes unless there's a major announcement, these are all pipe dreams. But for fans of Kanye and those who love dope runners, here's Imagining a Kanye West x New Balance Collection.As a part of its Holiday 2013 collection, New Balance new balance shoes has crafted a pair of new options of the 996 Revlite.The modernized model, equipped with the brand's new tech, is offered up in blue and red as well as grey and blue. Suede and mesh take care of the upper newbalancestoreinc construction on each edition, which then boasts N branding stitched alongside. Each take comes equipped with lighter laces to provide new balance shoes for men offset, matching the midsole shading underneath.You can expect the holiday Revlite renditions of the 996 to hit authorized New Balance new balance 996 providers any day now.